Our Story Unfolds

latest news and articles from the Children's AIDS Fund

Wishing You a Joyful and Wonderful Holiday Season

The holidays are a time to count our blessings.     And at Children’s AIDS Fund International our friends and supporters are at the top of the list. Why? Without you, the God’s Can Orphan School would not have walls and a roof so the HIV-impacted children in the slum could attend school. Without you, Brian—a young […]

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Be a Guardian Angel

Be a Guardian Angel to young men like Segaki.     After his mother died when he was 2, Segaki lived in the village with his grandmother for several years, eventually moving to the city to live with his father and step mother.  Because Segaki’s father lost his job and is not able to sustain the family […]

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Tribute to a Friend of Everyone Impacted by HIV/AIDS

This week the US Senate and people with HIV bid farewell to a stalwart friend and supporter.     Dr. Tom Coburn (R-OK) has been a tireless advocate for people impacted by HIV since his election to the House of Representatives in 1994.   A physician who understands the clinical aspects of HIV/AIDS in a way most of […]

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