Our Story Unfolds

latest news and articles from the Children's AIDS Fund

Be a Guardian Angel to Joy and Her Sisters

You can be a guardian angel to HIV-impacted and vulnerable girls like Joy.    Joy lost her father to HIV/AIDS when she was 8 years old, and shortly after his death her mother started showing symptoms of a similar disease.    At the time, Joy did not know that her mother was living with HIV and already […]

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Help those in Need – Be a Guardian Angel

Daisy lost her husband to HIV/AIDS six years ago.  While she suspected that she had the same disease that claimed her husband, she continued to care for their children. While working on her family’s behalf, she contracted tuberculosis, which left her very weak. Despite the challenges of both HIV /AIDS and tuberculosis, Daisy tries to provide a roof […]

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Be a Guardian Angel this Holiday

“I had lost hope and was doing nothing but roaming around the village,” said Joyce.   The second of three children, Joyce’s mother died from HIV/AIDS when she was 6.  After her mother’s death she lived with her father for a while.  “He never provided any basic needs for us,” she said, “he was drunk all the time […]

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