Our Story Unfolds

latest news and articles from the Children's AIDS Fund

A Very Special Valentine’s Day Gift

Love.  Caring.  Affection.    These are the cornerstones of relationships. And this is what we celebrate on Valentine’s  Day.    In the U.S. we give dinners out, cards, chocolate and flowers to show those we love how much we care.    Thousands of HIV impacted children never feel love, caring or affection, much less on Valentine’s Day. Your […]

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Amazing Progress

Unfortunately, it’s not a unique story.    A grandmother caring for grandchildren after their parents have died from HIV/AIDS.    But in this case, the grandmother had two sets of twins in her care. She had no income or means to provide shelter or food for the four children, much less pay for their school fees.  There […]

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Ugandan Youth Thank CAFI Donors

Every week scores of children gather in Kampala, Uganda to learn drawing, film making, baseball and lacrosse.    Each child is either HIV positive, HIV impacted, victims of domestic violence, or are victims of the long war in Northern Uganda.     Whatever their background, all of the children have many needs. Children’s AIDS Fund International’s (CAFI) Ugandan […]

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