HIV is More than 10 Minutes in Biology Class
This summer while many students spent their school break on family vacations, one student chose to spend some of her time volunteering at the Children’s AIDS Fund International (CAFI). This incoming sophomore decided she wanted to learn more about HIV and its worldwide impact . After just a few days at CAFI she quickly realized […]
HIV Prevention Debates Continue
With the dramatic increase in the number of patients on HIV treatment over the past decade and the recent still controversial emergence of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) programs, more and more experts assert it is possible to treat our way out of the HIV epidemic. Clearly increasing data supports that position because HIV positive individuals on […]
Putting Life’s Challenges in Perspective
Every now and then when life’s issues seem to be overwhelming it is important to put things into perspective. One young man helps me do that. His name is Junior. By age 5 Junior had lost his father and by age 13, his mother had also died from AIDS and he was very sick himself. […]