Our Story Unfolds

latest news and articles from the Children's AIDS Fund

HIV/AIDS Rate in the US Capital Surpasses Several African Nations

Most Americans think of HIV/AIDS as a challenge for other nations around the world, not the United States.   The alarming fact is that 3.2% of all adults ages 15 to 49 in Washington, DC are HIV positive.  If the US capital were a nation in Africa it would rank 23rd out of 54 countries in […]

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UNAIDS Report Highlights Successes and Gaps in HIV Treatment

A new report by UNAIDS shows that 19 of the 35 million people living with HIV globally do not know their HIV positive status.    While the report highlights how the efforts to increase access to life-saving antiretroviral treatment (ART) are making a difference, there is much more to be done in order to end the […]

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US HIV Epidemic a Continuing Reality

While much of the media attention and funding focuses in the global pandemic—particularly on hardest hit sub-Saharan Africa–reality is that the US HIV epidemic is an ongoing reality. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 1.1 million people in the US age 13 and older are living with HIV […]

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