Without your help many of the most needy and vulnerable children in the world will die. There is no end to the creative ways anyone – young or old – can help limit suffering of children and families impacted by HIV. CAFI’s work to change and save lives is supported by people like you. As you think about how you can be part of the global solution to HIV/AIDS, please consider the following.
Contribute by Mail: Send a check to the Children’s AIDS Fund International at PO Box 16433, Washington, DC 20041 or Visit the Donation Page Now×
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Each of these items help support the health and future of a child or family

More Ways to Help
Click the boxes for information on each or click here to donate now.
Check with your employer about how to designate CAFI through your workplace campaign contributions. Federal government employees may designate CAFI through the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Many state employees may designate CAFI through their State annual giving campaigns. Companies like Avon and GoodShop allow you to donate a percentage of every purchase you make through them to CAFI. As an E-bay seller you can designate a percentage of purchase proceeds to CAFI through the eBay Giving Works program. Contact us for more information
You can make a difference by helping keep the issue in people’s minds and hearts. Organize a walk-a-thon, bike-a-thon, bat-a-thon or other event to raise funds to help HIV impacted children. Plan an event in your neighborhood, school or community on special dates such as National HIV Testing Day or World AIDS Day to focus on the needs of HIV impacted children globally. CAFI is happy to assist you in your education, outreach and advocacy efforts. Contact us for more information
CAFI can accept gifts and bequests from your estate. We recommend you have your attorney or estate planner contact us in advance to discuss any special requests you may have regarding designating use of the funds. Contact us for information.
Many schools, businesses and individuals have held special events and activities to benefit CAFI programs. Retailers have donated one day’s proceeds, schools have sponsored HIV awareness days, in addition to collecting funds and school supplies. Church youth groups have conducted toy drives and collected winter hats, mittens and scarves. CAFI is happy to work with any individual, organization, or business wishing to help by providing brochures, and ideas. Contact us for information.
Many volunteer opportunities exist in the United States and globally. CAFI has helped place scores of volunteers with partner organizations and hosted numerous professional volunteers who have provided training for local partner staff members. We are happy to assist anyone seeking volunteer opportunities. Submit your request to receive a packet of information and detailed application form and we will work with you on finding a location to suit your skills. Contact us for more information