Celebrating Mothers Everywhere
Once every year the world over we celebrate mothers. No matter the country, the culture, the economic status, mothers are the universal nurturers that impact every aspect of their children’s lives. Despite existing challenges or available resources, every mother’s daily priority is their children’s well-being.
HIV-positive mothers are no exception. Many single-handedly raise their children, often without help from family members, friends or community. They struggle to provide for their children–some who may be HIV positive–all the while trying to make ends meet. At the same time like all other mothers, they attempt to create joy for their kids and shield them from life’s difficulties. Many find creative ways to raise funds for survival. They make paper beads, raise livestock and poultry, grow crops to sell on the side of the road. In essence they become entrepreneurs and small business owners to clothe and feed their children.
Together let’s honor them, pray for them, learn from them, and commit to ongoing support and encouragement for them.
These remarkable women are role models for us all. Facing the challenges of their own HIV disease, and too often shunned by their families and communities, they constantly strive to provide stability, health and hope for their children.
Your support has provided small seed loans for so many women to begin entrepreneurial activities to feed and support their children. In addition, your commitment to helping HIV-impacted children and families has opened the doors to educational scholarships, counseling and clinical interventions.
We join you in celebrating HIV-positive mothers. Together let’s honor them, pray for them, learn from them, and commit to ongoing support and encouragement for them.