Looking for Unique and Significant Holiday Gifts?
Browse the wide array of gifts for your consideration at the CAFI online store (www.childrensaidsfund.org). Any gift you purchase will provide critical and tangible support for HIV-impacted children and their families.
Hand Crafts Made by HIV-Impacted Women:
Paper Beads
Placemats, Table runners and Table Cloths
Book Marks
Gifts of Education and Empowerment:
School Uniforms and Supplies
School fees for HIV-impacted children
Vocational training for vulnerable girls
Prevention education for youth
Specialized professional training and mentorship
Gifts of Micro-Enterprise and Nutrition Support:
Pigs, chickens, goats to sell and provide food security
Seedlings for small family farmers
Gifts of Medical Care and Treatment:
Treatment for non-HIV health needs
Dental care
Eye exams and glasses
As you shop, please contact us with any questions. Any gift you purchase will generate a card from CAFI to be given by you or sent directly to your recipient by CAFI.
Thank you for giving purposeful gifts of health, hope and happiness this holiday season!