Counseling Orphans

Counseling support for HIV orphans and impacted children helps them understand HIV disease and learn to deal with its impact on their lives.

Dentist and Special Visits

Even HIV patients who are fortunate to be on HIV medication usually do not have funds to pay for specialist visits to treat other health conditions such as critical dental work; cancer; high blood pressure; respiratory issues which will help improve the quality and length of life.

HIV Medicine

Although the U.S and Global Fund provide free HIV medicines for millions around the world, much more is needed to treat all children and adults who should be on treatment for HIV/AIDS. You can help give the gift of life through HIV treatment.

Your donation of $35 will provide one month of HIV medicine for an adult or child (including blood tests that help monitor disease progression).  To contribute multiple months of medicine, simply increase the “Quantity” below to match the number of months you wish to give. For example, if you change the quantity to 3, your donation will be $105 for 3 months of HIV medicine.

Opportunistic Infection Medicine

Because of compromised immune systems, adults and children with HIV disease suffer from opportunistic infections (OIs) such as bacterial and viral infections, cancers, pneumonias, and many other conditions. Funds for greatly needed OI medicine are very limited. Suggested Donation for 1 year of OI medicine for an adult or child.

Seedlings for Family or Community Garden

Nutritious food is very important for HIV positive people. HIV impacted families and patient associations grow individual and community gardens which feed their families and provide income through the sale of produce, which help sustain the gardens from year to year.