How We Serve

Children’s AIDS Fund International Services

Classroom full of childrenCAFI’s goal is to maximize the impact of every donor dollar to help HIV impacted children and their families. Our supported services go beyond HIV disease to provide for more comprehensive needs such as psychosocial support, education assistance, nutrition, and livelihood needs.

Our Goal: Maximize Every Donor Dollar

We partner with local organizations and institutions to achieve optimal service goals. As a result, human and financial resources go to local organizations managing community programs rather than into an expanded CAFI bureaucracy.

We Go Beyond HIV to Provide Comprehensive Support

Whether providing orphaned and vulnerable children treatment or scholarships in Baltimore, Maryland, or in Kampala, Uganda, CAFI works through local partners to support services.


Our Model Provides Unique Benefits:


-Ensure that the children and families helped are connected to local services for ongoing care, resulting in healthier child outcomes through stronger family units.

-Local partners have the best understanding of how to run effective programs in their own communities and countries.

-Local organizations have existing profiles and networks which lend credibility to the projects as well as facilitate rapid implementation.

-Innovation, identifying service gaps, and adapting programs to meet emerging needs are accomplished more easily with smaller, more flexible partners than with large organizational structures.

-Duplication of staff and effort are minimized so more donor funds go directly to the grassroots organization and program beneficiaries.

-Strategic partnerships combine the complementary expertise and experience of each partner to forge a strong foundation for effective program implementation.

-CAFI’s  track record in writing competitive proposals for and management of US government and foundation grants is passed on to local partner staff through training and mentorship, allowing for long-term sustainability.

-CAFI’s strength in networking local implementers with policy makers to advance HIV/AIDS programs and strategies are passed on to partners through trainings and mentorship.

-CAFI’s  global partners include hospitals, churches, schools, clinics, public and private sector agencies and organizations. Current partners are both seasoned and start-up organizations. Through this model, as partners mature they in turn mentor others. CAFI has been invited to work in many other countries as well as with many other partners, which we plan to do as funding permits.