A Very Special Valentine’s Day Gift

Large Thank you - Heart -modLove. Caring. Affection. These are the cornerstones of relationships and what we celebrate on Valentine’s Day. In the U.S. we give dinners out, cards, chocolate and flowers to show those we love how much we care. Thousands of HIV impacted children never feel love, caring or affection, much less on Valentine’s Day.

Your gift to CAFI this Valentine’s Day will provide nutritious food, school fees, clothing or other essentials of life and will let HIV impacted children know that someone actually does remember them and care.

$60 for 1 year of Opportunistic Infection (OI) medicine for an adult or child. $35 provides one month HIV medicine for an individual. $75 will cover the cost of a goat which provides milk for a family.

Your gift this Valentine’s Day will let HIV impacted children know that someone actually does remember them and care.

Any amount you give this Valentine’s Day will be used by CAFI to provide love, caring and affection to these precious and often-forgotten HIV impacted children.

Thank you so much for your part in this life-saving work!