Providing important oral hygiene to vulnerable children

MAXIMUS - RUN Dental picture 6The Children’s AIDS Fund International (CAFI) operating under a MAXIMUS Foundation grant, in conjunction with local partner Children’s AIDS Fund Uganda (CAFU), implemented an oral health project for children infected by HIV/AIDS. The seven month project (July 2015 to January 2016) was intended to reduce oral dental disease amongst HIV children and improve their quality of life.  Dental services were provided by Uganda based RUN dental services.
According to the World Health Organization, dental caries is the world’s most common chronic disease, with 60 to 90% of school children having dental cavities.

Dental caries is the world’s most common chronic disease, with 60 to 90% of school children having dental cavities

The survival rates for children with perinatally acquired HIV infection have vastly improved in the past decade; but due to low social economic status, children with perinatally acquired HIV infection are more likely to suffer from dental carries due to their low immune status and the chronic use of syrups and sugar based drugs formulations.MAXIMUS - RUN Dental picture 8

The project operated in seven CAFU Health Facilities in 5 districts throughout Uganda. Over 800 children were served, including basic oral health education and screening for dental caries. Primary interventions (tooth extract and temporary fillings) were provided by the project and referrals were done for secondary interventions.
Both children and their parents/guardians were educated to the critical importance of oral hygiene to an individual’s overall health and well-being. CAFI hopes to continue providing vulnerable children these life saving programs with your continued support.