Giving Thanks for You

2015 Thanksgiving 2You are always the focus of the Children’s AIDS Fund International’s (CAFI) gratitude. Your compassion for HIV impacted children and families. Your concern about and willingness to help people you will never meet. Your sacrifice to change lives for the better.
This message of gratitude and hope from the clients of the Family Hope Centre in Kampala, Uganda says it all:
Thank you for your efforts.

You are friends indeed with happiness
And joy we will live to tell.
We were sitting beside our graves
We had lost hope to live,
You came and stood by us,
You gave us courage to live,
We can smile, chat and dance
Because of efforts you made
We have testimonies to tell
Long live dear friends.

In this Thanksgiving season we join our friends in Uganda to Thank You for the difference you have made in thousands of children’s and families’ lives.
And we pray that in giving you have also been blessed.