Getting to Zero – “Focus, Partner, Achieve: An AIDS-Free Generation”


AIDS is a plague – numerically, statistically and by any definition known to human mankind.

World AIDS Day—commemorated annually on December 1— is to encourage every individual to be aware of HIV; to understand how to reduce HIV transmission, to ensure that people suffering from HIV/AIDS have equal access to treatment and care, and to make sure that people suffering from it are free from discrimination and can live a normal life within the community.

This year’s theme “Zero New HIV Infections. Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS-related deaths”,  is not just used for a single day, but is highlighted throughout the year across many countries to highlight HIV/AIDS awareness within the context of other major global events.

 Participating and sharing in World AIDS Day reminds us all that HIV is still very much with us and we need  to join hands to bring about an HIV free generation.

The statistics are staggering:

  • – It is estimated that globally a total of 34 million people suffer HIV infection.
  • – As many as 25 million people have died from the deadly HIV virus between 1981 and 2007, making it one of the most destructive pandemics in history.


Through the Children’s AIDS Fund International (CAFI), you can  provide prevention education to youth, treatment, care, support for HIV/AIDS orphans, nutrition, and other tangible assistance that will enable us to achieve an HIV Free Generation.