Join CAF’s legacy of Compassion and Care

Young mom holding her childCAFI has been a light house in the storm of HIV/AIDS. Since the beginning of the epidemic, when so many were arguing or strategizing on “what” to do, we came forward with sound policy and action. Reaching out to those infected and affected by this horrible disease. We have stood for twenty five years while the epidemic swelled and raged into a pandemic and now…..we are still here, still fighting, still reaching out and giving aid to those in need.

We have stood while the epidemic swelled and raged into a pandemic and now…..we are still here, still fighting, still reaching out and giving aid to those in need.

Please stand with us against the HIV/AIDS storm, join us, donate, get involved and help us continue the fight against HIV/AIDS.


Lisa Shoemaker

Person living with HIV

Educator & Activist