Giving Hope for Tomorrow

children sitting in a classroomHaving lived in Africa for nearly two decades, I saw with heartbreaking clarity the devastating impact of HIV-AIDS among the continent’s children.  Literally millions suffer from the infection or have lost parents or loved ones from the disease.  It is to such brokenness that the Children’s AIDS Fund International comes supporting programs in many countries with medical assistance, help and education to combat this horrible contagion.

Through the loving and compassionate arms of CAFI, Children and families in Africa and beyond are being loved, embraced and given hope for their tomorrows.

Today, through the loving and compassionate arms of CAFI, children and families in Africa, and now beyond, are being loved, embraced and given hope for their tomorrows.  Who would not feel humbled and honored to serve on the board of directors of such an organization?  I certainly do!

John Seaman

District Superintendent, Church of the Nazarene

CAFI Welcomes Confirmation of Ambassador Deborah Birx to head U.S. Global AIDS Program

Dr. Deborah BirxChildren’s AIDS Fund International congratulates Dr. Deborah Birx on her confirmation as Ambassador at Large and Coordinator of the US Government activities to combat HIV/AIDS around the world.

Dr. Birx has a distinguished career working in HIV/AIDS related treatment, vaccines and research,   “Her vast first-hand experience dealing with every aspect of the pandemic will inform her decisions and priorities at this very critical time,” said CAFI President Anita Smith.   “We need a strong and exceptional leader like Dr. Birx as we are poised to eliminate mother to child transmission and usher in an AIDS free generation.  She understands the broad vision and the nuances that all must be addressed to effectively end HIV/AIDS.    We look forward to working with Ambassador Birx in her new role.”

She understands the broad vision and the nuances that all must be addressed to effectively end HIV/AIDS.

Following her Senate confirmation, Ambassador Birx will be sworn in and assume leadership of the US government’s global response to HIV/AIDS which has brought life-saving treatment and care to millions in the last decade.