Working Together for a Worthy Cause – State of Maryland and Children’s AIDS Fund

CAFI promotional displayNot only does September herald the arrival of fall, but also the beginning of the Federal and State employee charity campaigns through the country.  These campaigns allow federal and state employees to donate to their favorite charities and are an important fund raising source.  Children’s AIDS Fund International continual involvement in these critical fund raising campaigns began on September 26, 2013 with our participation in the 2013 Maryland Charity Campaign for State Employees and Retirees.   Maryland is only one of the 15 state campaigns in which CAFI participates along with the Federal government’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).


These campaigns allow federal and state employees to donate to their favorite charities and are an important fund raising source.

The Kickoff event held at the Herbert R. O’Conor State Building in Baltimore provides an excellent venue for CAFI to meet donors and increase awareness of our programs.  This year’s featured speakers Assistant Chair, Dominick E. Murray, Secretary of Department of Business and Economic Development and Assistant vice Chair, Gloria G. Lawlah, Secretary of Maryland Department of Aging thanked past participants for their support and generosity.   They stressed the need to work together to achieve this year’s campaign fundraising goal of $3,650,00 and highlighted the benefits to the Maryland community from state employee contributions.